PST’s SVP Abhi Bhan is Interviewed by Railway Age

Abhi Bhan, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales

Abhi Bhan, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales

Other industries have been where railroading is today: going through technology transformations.

And those other industries are not only surviving, but thriving. PS Technology Senior Vice President Abhi Bhan, who comes from those successful industries, discusses lessons-learned, proven approaches and common-sense ROI qualifiers from which the railroad industry can benefit with Railway Age Editor-in-Chief William C. Vantuono. What are common mistakes businesses make when seeking to modernize technology solutions? How can railroads identify key process functions and plan for continuous enhancement over time? What rail data sources are candidates for dashboards and process improvements? How can efficiencies in tech for compliance management and cost avoidance be leveraged? How can railroads clearly understand information and process silos? This podcast is a preview of a Sept. 13 webinar, Lessons Rail Tech Teams Can Learn from Other Industries.

Listen to the podcast here:

Here is the follow-up video Web-cast:

Learn about PST TechServices here:


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