Realistic, Train Simulation, Yard Simulation and Engineer Training scenarios in actual locations and can be run in hazardous situations or recreated for student learning – all without risk of person or property.

Locomotive Simulation, Engineer Training, Conductor Training, Positive Train Control (PTC) training, Yard Simulation and more…

90 Second Overview of Locomotive, Yard and Conductor Simulation

Simulation is safe, effective, trackable and green.

This brief overview just skims the surface of what PST can provide railroads. Just as important, simulation testing, recurrency, or remediation training can be auto-loaded into our other scheduling and qualification tools. This makes crew management much easier and even more cost-effective.


Yard Sim

The Safe Way to Learn the Ropes

PST has a wide variety of pre-existing yard simulation scenarios. Have your teams learn the basis safely. For maximum training, PST can develop customized training that recreates your own properties, radio procedures and more.

Remote Control Operator - RCO

Remote control operator (RCO) training and simulationConvert any Office into a Yard

Eliminate the inefficiencies of OJT for Remote Control Operators (RCO) and keep your yard performing at 100%. Safe, economical and standardized enterprise training and scoring, tightens up operations.

Scenarios available include start-up/shut-down procedures, flat yard switching, building trains, breaking down trains, industry spots, hump yard operation, and hazardous materials handling. We customize the simulation to match the rules and safety regulations specific to your railroad’s operating procedures.

Situations and requirements can be modeled to your specifications – even your specific location(s) for a further level of familiarization.

Locomotive and Train Engineer Simulation Training

Locomotive Simulator

PST has full-size simulators with haptics as well as desktop simulators.

Train and recertify your locomotive engineers using a state-of-the-art Class II train simulator. We use 3D graphics coupled with a physics engine that calculates the complex physics of long trains down to the individual wheels on cars. A wide collection of Class I and II railroads uses our simulators.

Full size locomotive 105 simulator stand can represent either analog or digital control visuals.

Full size locomotive 105 simulator stand can represent either analog or digital control visuals.

Control which scenario to present to the trainee, monitor and inject events as required. Enhance the reality of your simulation using your railroad’s data and actual topology. Additionally, customize the route from a library of over 2000 elements.

Train Simulation at sunsetTrain cab view in snowTrain cab view in rainTrain Cab view in FallTrain simulation in snowTrain Engineer Night Simulation

PTC – Postive Train Control Training and Simulation to Help Meet FRA Railroad Training Requirements

Train simulation and Positive Train Control training and scoring right at your fingertips. It Just Keeps Getting Easier.

Training tools are more immediate, more sophisticated and better than they’ve ever been. We provide you with a solution to match your needs and requirements:

  • PTC-Prime™
  • PTCSaaS – (Software as a Service)
  • PTCloco

Click here for more info.

PTC Prime Positive Train Control training with simulators

PST Portable controllers can run any of the PST training including PTC, Distributed Power, Yard Simulation, and many others.

PST Portable controllers can run any of the PST training including PTC, Distributed Power, Yard Simulation, and many others.

Avatar Trainer

Keep Your Library Looking Fresh.

Nothing is as distracting to a safety lesson as outdated visual content. It sabotages the gravity of the safety messages.

The AvatarTraining Video platform provides a consistent, modern, and relevant platform to translate important safety procedures. This updated platform also allows you to represent dangerous or unsafe activities which provides a powerful training tool and attention grabbing technique.

Change in your workflow or requirements? The videos can be updated for a fraction of the cost of traditional videos.

Create cost-sensible customer training with digital avatars.

ER Analyzer

Why did the train break in two?
Why did the longer train derail?

Our E•R Analyzer™ is a physics-based simulation that uses track data and Event Recorder data to answer those questions – FAST.  E•R Analyzer has matured and grown out of our physically accurate simulation. Find out more here.

Event Recorder Analyzer for railroads

Get more info on the train simulation and avatar training your team needs.

Please let us know what you are most interested in improving on you railroad by using our Simulation/Avatar products.

We're glad you're here. We look forward to hearing from you.