iTrakForce™ - Unionized Workforce Position Management

The iTrakForce™ is a web-based solution built to automate the manual processes of maintaining positions, assignments, employee seniority, and employee qualifications.

This solution allows rail companies to centralize the data needed to automate and manage the assignments, seniority, and qualifications for all their Non- Operational Union positions. This includes but is not limited to all of the Mechanical and Engineering Departments, Clerical, Signal, Dispatch, Longshore, and Yardmaster personnel.

iTrackForce for management of unionized workforces

iTrakForce in Action

With over 2000 role capabilities, the system provides a high level of configurability that allows for different views of the application for different roles in your organization. Through the use of iTF, you can reduce the time needed to track and maintain an employee’s qualifications and seniority information, reduce the time needed for audit research (e.g. why a particular employee was not selected for the job), and create a standards-based approach when it comes to the maintenance of positions.

Assignment Management

This feature allows you to manage the employee’s assignments for their current permanent assignment and any effective temporary assignments that they may have at any given time. The system also allows for configuration to control what positions an employee can be assigned (bump process) based on their seniority, qualifications, and any restrictions they may have. The Assignment Management feature provides the input to the Employee Inquiry Screen so they can view who to bump without conferring with management or their Union Representative.

Employee Seniority Management

Having difficulty maintaining employee rankings? Employee Seniority Management automates the process of determining roster ranking, same-day ranking, adding seniority when employees are awarded positions, and removing seniority when required due to assignment, HR, or age.

This feature also provides the ability to automatically generate protest rosters and to display the results via the iTrakForce application.

As with all of the features in iTF PM, all of the information is stored in a central repository available for viewing by management and the individual employee.

Broadcast Messaging

Centralize all your broadcast messages and subsequent responses in one system. Broadcast Messaging allows you to manually or automatically create messages and send them to one or many users as well as send system-to-system messages.

Messages can be created to present to employees based on their attributes and assignment attributes. You may also select delivery based on application sign-on or via web services when the employee signs on to another application.

iTrackForce can handle all union positions such as Mechanical and Engineering Departments, Clerical, Signal, Dispatch, Longshore, and Yardmaster personnel.

Bulletin Management

Bulletin Management allows you to manage your position bulletins from creation through evaluation and awarding of the bulletin. You control the rule configuration to determine the information presented on each bulletin notification as well
as the timing for evaluation and awarding. The bulletins are then automatically sent out to the field using the iTrackForce Letter feature. Different letter formats can be defined for each individual position level as well.

Employee Self-Service

The Employee Self-Service feature almost eliminates management or administration’s need to call-in from the field to provide information to the employee. Each employee can view their qualifications, assignments, seniority, broadcast messages, history, and maintain their own Bid Cards. The employee also can view their own bump listing, as well as request their own bumps based on rules that you can define in the iTrackForce Seniority Move rule profiles.

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