Precision Train Builder is now Physics Train Builder™. U.S. Patent Pending
Reduce Risk. Enhance Safety.
Precision Train Builder is now Physics Train Builder.
The intro and demonstration take 15 minutes.
A Q&A session follows the demonstration.
Physics Train Builder is Comprised of Three Modules:
E•R Analyzer™
PTB Validator™
Validator is used to test existing or future train placement rulesets. Detailed description below.
PTB Monitor™
Real-time monitoring during multiple points in a train’s journey with simulation runs after each work event. Detailed description below.
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Basic Module Descriptions
The three components of Physics Train Builder function together as a suit, but can also function independently of one another. Both Validator and Monitor include E•R Analyzer, however, E•R Analyzer can be purchased separately.
E•R Analyzer™ is a post-incident forensic tool that combines event recorder data and GIS track information from an actual train run and then processes it through its physics simulation. The results are highly customizable reports that graphically show in-train-forces to help determine what happened. The physics simulation is cumulative across the train and reveals in-train forces, but with car-by-car specifics. This diagnostic ability can show excess in-train forces, even if trains were built within the rule sets of a railroad’s Train Management System (TMS).
For more detailed information, you visit the dedicated E•R Analyzer page here.
PTB Validator is used as a means to test existing rulesets against physically simulated outcomes of a consist build. This provides the clarity of science to the train building process.
Validator’s ability lets railroads check that trains built with TMS rules have a safety margin to reduce the likelihood of exceeding safe physical in-train forces. Using track data on the anticipated route plus the entered consist design, users are given a go/no-go decision before departure. Additionally, PTB Validator explores maximizing asset utilization which may include, train length, car placement, and operational speeds. Validator can execute multiple iterations of consist designs. The simulation will flag instances where a given consist may be built within 100% compliance of the rules but still be forecasted to have physical issues such as stalls.
PTB Monitor is a real-time analysis tool for rail operations. There is active monitoring during multiple points in a train’s journey with more simulations being run after each work event. This creates scientifically based opportunities to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent consist placements resulting in sub-optimal performance including derailments or near derailment causing conditions.
As a proactive tool, PTB Monitor includes the ability to provide alerts to the operating team about in-train force issues in real-time. For additional analysis, external data points are also integrated such as dimensional clearance, weather, track adhesion, wind, bulletins, and slow orders. The constant simulation monitor provides a focus on improved train handling, and reduced derailment by utilizing point-to-point scenario creation throughout the duration of the train run. PTB Monitor embeds and then utilizes historical and institutional knowledge in analysis to improve the financial performance of train builds and runs.
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Maximize your existing technology, data, and operational know-how
Precision Train Builder sits at the intersection of a railroad’s current technology and dataand then magnifies them to improve safety and efficient rail operations.